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A Private Collaborative Organization for Executive Administrative Assistants 

Who Support VP or Higher in Companies over $100mil in Revenue

Let's face it - our executives are out building their network of other influential people, and collaborating on new ideas and opportunities...why can't we?  

Come join with the people who make Colorado's most influential executives perform their best each day!  Share your experience, learn from others - and get a few minutes away from the office with people who understand your world.

Our Vision

EAs are the lifeblood of any organization - and the Executives readily admit it!  The EA 100 helps drive collaboration, socialization and ideation among those holding these critical positions in the organization.  

Our Mission

Foster greater collaboration among the leading EAs in the state, in a vendor-free environment.

Upcoming events

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Jay Allen Molly Mangan

Jay@cxo.org MMangan@hrQinc.com

720-984-8424 303-917-6719

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